Universidad Nacional de Salta
Facultad de Humanidades
Clase 10/08/10
(Taken from Abraham Hirsh, S & P. Bacon. 1988. The World, Past and Present. Orlando: HBJ)
- A - World War I began in 1914 after the assassination of an Austrian Archduke named Francis Ferdinand. Austria-Hungary blamed a small rival nation called Serbia. The quarrel caused by the assassination spread quickly to involve most of Europe. It spread so rapidly because of the alliances between many European countries. Their leaders had signed treaties to come to each other’s aid in case of war.
- B - War broke out so quickly also because a strong feeling of nationalism had developed in most European countries, where people were proud of their culture and history. Their countries had become independent nations. Each nation felt it had to prove it was stronger than the others. Nationalism was especially strong in Germany.
- C - The warring powers arranged themselves into two groups. The Central Powers were Germany, Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey. The other group, the Allies, was made up of Russia, France, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, Serbia, Montenegro and Japan. After German submarines sank several American ships in 1917, the United States entered the war on the side of the Allies. The conflict truly became a world war.
- D - Many people thought the war would be over quickly. However, it lasted for more than four years. Some 65 million soldiers fought in it. At least 9 million of them died. Terrible weapons such as machine guns, poison gas, and tanks were used for the first time in this war. The war was fought not only on the land and sea but also under the sea in submarines and in the air with blimps and airplanes.
- E - The Allies defeated the Central Powers in 1918. The peace treaty that ended the war was called the Treaty of Versailles. It was especially harsh toward Germany because Germany had supplied most of the soldiers and weapons for the Central Powers. It took away German lands both in Europe and elsewhere. It severely limited the number of soldiers and weapons the German government could have. It ordered Germany to pay a huge sum of money to the Allies as a war debt.
- F - Although victory went to the Allies, Great Britain, France, and Germany all lost in World War I. They lost, among other things, thousands upon thousands of young people who would have provided the leadership for their countries in the 1930’s and 1940’s.